Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oklahoma students simply type the name of their school into the search. The new gossip site College Anonymous Confession Board boasts of boards pertaining to college campuses across the country. 

New College Gossip Web Site Allows Oklahoma Students to Create Anonymous Posts

Although JuicyCampus dried up earlier this February, a similar site plans to take its place, allowing Oklahoma students, once again, to post gossip under anonymity about their university.

The Web site Anonymous Confession Board, or, allows students to create accounts with university email addresses and post anything, just like its defunct predecessor Topics on the sites range from current events to personal attacks. The website, however, does bear noticeable differences than Juicy Campus. CollegeACB allows user moderation, something missing from JuicyCampus. Registered users can also be banned from the site. 

Students across campus are beginning to take interest in the site, and have already posted many discussions relevant to current issues around campus. The site redirects students from the JuicyCampus's old URL and already contains an array of posts from OU students on a whim. The site seeks to provide college students with a place to discuss issues relevant to their university's atmosphere, according to the Web site's mission statement. Although the site already proves popular among Oklahoma students, some students voice dissidence to the new sites and others like it. Talon Christian, international business sophomore, said he believes the site takes away from the uniqueness of college life.

"The whole purpose of college is to reinvent yourself, and any spiteful person with a keyboard can ruin it," Christian said. "There's no validity in sites like this. They're worse than Wikipedia."

Christian said he plans to never visit the site; however, others say they may give into temptation. CollegeACB's blog stated it plans to use the recent shutting down of JuicyCampus to become its replacement. 

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